Don't Risk Getting Stung

Speak with a wasp exterminator serving Lewisville, TX and surroundings

Keep your home and yard wasp-free by getting in touch with Lewisville Pest Control. Our wasp exterminator can take care of all your wasp removal needs in Lewisville, TX and beyond. You should reach out to us if:

  • You notice nests around your house
  • You hear constant buzzing but can't locate a nest
  • Wood on your property appears to have been chewed through
  • You want to keep stinging insects away from your party, graduation or wedding celebration

We can get rid of those yellow jackets and red wasps. Discuss your wasp removal needs when you contact an expert wasp exterminator at Lewisville Pest Control today.

Leave mosquito control to the pros

Our mosquito control specialists can spray for mosquitos every two weeks. We use special fogging and power spraying methods to keep your mosquito population under control. This can be especially useful if there's a pool on your property.

We can use green and organic brands if you prefer. Call us at 469-951-0027 to arrange for mosquito control services.